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Here are some more pics from my early years; friends and loves that have made me who I am today...


Eric Peterson, on the Oakland Ferry going to San Francisco's Embarcadero 1989
A true love in my life but financial situation kept it from working out...Last saw him after Graduation as a Court Reporter in San Francisco, I was on the bus and he just came up from the BART...I couldn't get the Bus driver to stop and I watched till we made a turn and haven't seen him since..
Doug and Pookie in Hawaii's Ala Moana Shopping CTR-1990-91
From all the Sun surf and sex.... opps, did I say that? Anyway, my hair went back to the light blond of my early childhood, I did NOT look like baby Hewy, regardless of what SOME may have said.
Doug Dupree, Seal Rock- San Francisco CA 1989
Doug and I were at Seal Rock in San  Francisco, CA- I might add a TYPICAL foggy day, to say nothing of the Cold!!!